
Been a long time since i came online (:
anyway been slacking all while....(wonder how i'm gonna get my 9points for prelim to get e sji i scholarship -> don't wanna pay the $15000 a year school fees rofl, i might as well apply for overseas education) but hey, it's relaxing to enjoy life every now and then...

Thurday last week, Mt Faber had my group of friends and i going over for a bowling session. It was fun, but the scores diminished the satisfaction. My new ball lost its' functionality in my hands because it was too heavy and i couldn't control it well. Shawn did pretty well, in relation to the group, by achieving an average of130. Manoj managed to break his barrier by reaching 100+ and vignesh performed well for the first game. On the second, he almost hit 70+ as his 10 frame score but in the 10th frame, he managed a double strike which brought him over the 100s.Ky averaged 50~70.

Yesterday : Sat :kk improved bowling techiques by reading up and practicing.



YEAH, finally the blog entry for the week!
So damn tired during the schooling week... mentally exhausted and physically as well (ahem..) thanks to the deprivation of sleep.

NOTE!: Prelims is just a few weeks away and the o levels less than 1 month...

Eng oral and spa are next week = gg.

was supposed to rendezvous with shawn, ky, bob (Wj) and unexpectedly... YES UNEXPECTEDLY Vignesh on hamachi for some games of dota... eventually it didn't proceeded as planned because we all had different versions of wc3, (well they either lost the original or don't have one and hence unable to update their versions due to authentication problems.)

So here i am now, tired and wanting to have a good chat with a friend, albeit still on facebook trying to do something "productivE".

imma need to see the doc tomorrow so i have to get my sleep before 12am...


P.S Gonna be really busy tomorrow onwards thanks to prelim preparations (lol i hope i don't procrastinate). To get the SJII IB Scholarship i need to have 9 points. (that's madness.... Pure and virgin 9 points - not including the subtraction of 2 cca points /2 from hmt and hence the word "virgin"). Everyone knows how hard the SJI Prelims are, but i'm not gonna get deterred just yet. I think JC's still a good alternative.. i don't mind, i rather have God decide on this for me (:


Lol, just read the newspaper 'bout this 10yr old scaling 165cm that does 25.7 and 12.46 for his 200 and 100m events respectively. I salute his achievements man... He's just primary four and he's already doing better than most of the average athletes my age.

His timing for a primary 4 is really paramount to my own personal best already. By the end of this year, i am sure he is able to surpass my own timing. I am secondary 4 -.-, that's like 6 years older. Sad to say i only have 3~4 years of training... (was in orchestra, then scouts during my primary years)

Anyway, cheerios to this little buddy and wishing him the greatest of all luck to help Singapore gain recognition in the prestigious track & field events itself.

as if i wasn't tired and exhausted tending the drink stall and to serve the bloody freeloaders, simultaneously trying to refill the container with more mineral water and hundred plus. all i need was thanks and not some stupid arrogant "i deserve it", or "it's your job" look. k so i intended to bring a carton (24) of 100 plus back home but decided it was too much of a burden and obstructive in the sardin packed train.
during the whole tiring day(afternoon, to be more precise), it is pity i had to stay cooped up in the store instead of feeding my eye with candies(lol >.<) BLAH.
after the day's event, me and najib decided to have dinner at long john at tiong bahru plaza. pretty oily yet filling. i wouldn't even dare to touch such food before my nationals (ahhh happyy!) and right after that we went to toilet before going to pop to get that physics tys.
so in the end, i stood on the train the whole journey back and then proceed to the service counter at the lakeside mrt to retrieve my remuneration from SMRT.

[story : yeah, i topped up my ez link with like, 9 bucks - 1 5bucks, 2 2bucks- but no receipt and value was give and added respectively. then i had to settle some administrative stuff with the officer and was told that i will receive a confirmation letter around 1 month later that will tell me whether i would be granted my refund/remuneration, whichever you like.]

there's this bunch of indian foreign worker (note i receded from the word bangla because it's kinda insultive) behind me queueing up and they were making that kind of sounds -hissing, tsk tsk sound- to show their discontent and impatience. i was like.. !@#$% them, and to show that i "acknowledged" their expressions, i walk just right past them after receiving my refund and then said "aiyo " and retracted my tongue back 3 times to create that weird sound.

This isn't the end of the shit happenings. Called this stupid vignesh for a confirmation whether he wanted to catch a movie tomorrow or go for bowling sessions with our other friends and he was always hesistant and usual. He doesn't want to name a decision that he already made on the phone. He will just let his mind wander away as you tell him to let you know by 8. less than a minute later, he replied, "aiya, i don't feel like going.. sorry" Actually, i have only myself to blame, for i already know his character... this isn't the first time already.

anyway, cheerios, hope i have a good night sleep.
have fun people (:


ripped this off the net. credits to the webpage, not me. thanks~

Selling your kidney(s)? Reconsider. The government is slamming syndicates and criminals alike for putting up their kidneys on sale or to mediate transactions between buyer and seller. The reason: It is immoral. Come to think of it, it is quite true in the sense that the poor would be the first to offer their organs in exchange for quick bucks to pull themselves out of a financial crisis.

It is the 20th Century, where money dictates many people’s behavior and mentality. It is the Century where meritocracy encourages passion, devotion and people to take on a hardworking persona. So when we take on the perspective of such a person, amalgamating moral with the sales of kidney(s) does not seem to complement or make any sense, apparently.

I personally feel that the sales of kidney be legalized and consolidated by health examinations and check ups to ensure that the procedure is safe, trustworthy and certified. Morals are important in directing one’s lives but when one can save lives, how is that immoral? The way to offset this particular mindset that sale of kidney(s) is immoral is to implement new measures. It is no simple task, especially when your government is against the idea itself.

There are a lot of possibilities to consider if the sale of kidney(s) is made legal. “Will the poor be exploited for their inclination to earn extra bucks?” is one typical possibility that comes to mind. I sincerely hope that the government consider my input and then name a decision that is appropriate, along with plans that can enhance effectiveness and yet simultaneously preventing any loopholes.

Let’s put it this way- By selling off one’s kidney, you get to save a life and at the same time use that money to pay back existing debts. Furthermore if the donor is a willing party, who are we to judge? The organ is his and he has his rights to give (okay, sell) it away. I stress again that it is the 20th Century. It is hard to find a donor who is purely altruistic. According to statistics, a patient has to wait an average of nine years before having that chance of leading a normal life again without the dialysis machine. Then there’s those who don’t even have the chance- These facts are not evident in statistics.

How would you feel if you’re the one lying in bed, with your blood flowing out of your wrist into a machine and then drawn back into your body? How about those squints that rest mockingly upon those ugly scars? There are people who accepted reality and have moved on. But the psychological impact is still there. Honestly speaking, I rather have the transplant.

[Edit : Lol after reading through i find this sounded really " inserts appropriate word here"]
Anyway credits to Straits Time and sources for the statistics.

god damn it! i slept at around 3am but had to wake up at 9.30 to see the doc. my parents (and myself too,acutally) wanted me to get a verfication/health check up on my kidneys.

got called in by the doc, and i was like explaining to him details about my urine and stuff, so he suggested i do either a blood test or urine analysis(teh less accurate one). My father opted for me to do both and i am fine with it.

the doc took out a syringe and alcohol swabs. he disinfected the area around my arm and then inserted the tip of the syrine right into the vein. well the old me would have his adrenaline pumping all around the body (scared, obviously) but now, i don't really think it is pain at all because i have experienced the real pain many times. yes... the real pain -> Lactic Acid.(lol) But when he started to draw blood out i was like nooo stop it stop it! u !@#$%^ stop it! Meh, my blood is important to me, even if in minute amounts because as an athlete, you start to be concious of everything related to your fitness.(at least for me)

didn't really feel like peeing, but had to do so. I filled about half the bottle with urine and passed it back to the "nurse", or rather, receptionist. Voila! So my father just payed the lump sum of $40 bucks.. around there and we were informed that the doc will call on us asap after he sent the samples for testing and when the results are out.

After that i went to mac to grab my big breakfast(yum!) and ordered an iced milo for that iron (:

ARGH my eyeballs are hurting(think it is my rectus muscles... ahhhh bio!)
so imma sign off for now and will be back in a few minutes.